Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jack Greene

Taiga Ermansons' modest powerhouse

If you went to the Victory Theater in Holyoke you might have missed this one.  her website here

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chris Nelson, Victory Theater, Holyoke, MA

Lots of great installations at the decaying Victory Theater in Holyoke. This one is by Chris Nelson, great photo by John Haeber (I stole the photo off his Flikr page). This piece made me say Wow! Out loud and I was by myself. It is made of Latex, light, sound. Visitors could tap the sculpture gently to hear a amplified, but gentle echo. Exquisite!

More info:
Olivia Bernard, Torsten Zenas Burns, Taiga Ermansons, Kari Gatzke, Amy Johnquest, Chris Nelson, Joshua Vrysen, Christopher Willingham and Angela Zammarelli

Exhibit Open: September 21 – November 18, 2012  
For appointment call 413-297-0786